
" Are you telling me that you can hack into other people's computers?" She asked. "Could you get into mine?" Yours would be easier than most," I told her, "since you have some of the passwords you use most often pinned to the notice board above the desk. I am guessing that you also have a list of them on your computer and even if you have encrypted them it would not be too difficult to find out what they are." How often do you break into other people's computers?" she asked looking shocked."Not. " Pretty radical. I don't know how you can do it, Mom." That's just it. I don't DO anything but what I'm told. I think for me to get better, it was the only thing that would work." Will it happen again?" That revealed how much it had troubled, Josh."Your dad is learning to do some thing differently to make sure it doesn't happen again." Did he do something wrong?" No, Hon, he didn't. Say, if I arrange for you to talk to a professor of psychology, would you be willing? I know you have called. I loved it.As I said, John was building to a great orgasm. I could feel how horny he was. His cock was throbbing more than I have ever felt it before. I knew he was very close. What happened next surprised even me. John’s cock was ready to explode. I bent down and took his cock in my mouth. It all happened so fast. John had no idea that I was going to do that. We had never done anything like that before. We had never even talked about doing it. But John had given me such pleasure. I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard Maisie tell Simon that all the blokes at the Farming College just wanted to fuck all the time. She told him he’d have a whale of a time if he went into farming because the women were just as bad. I heard him ask her whether she was just as bad. She must have nodded because I just heard Simon say ‘Fuck, sis.’I started to leave the barn by the same exit. I had heard enough but was stopped in my tracks when I heard Maisie say that the summer holiday was.
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